
26AS Reconciler - A solution that helps you triumph over

Limitations of Manual Processes

Save Time | Achieve Higher Productivity | Handle Voluminous data easily

A manual process has inherent limitations. Some of the prominent ones are being prone to errors, time-consuming, repetitive, delays, miscommunication, lack of control, inconsistency, large resource requirements, and inefficient error handling. Our solution ensures overcoming all these limitations with technology-enabled reconciliation. With 26AS Reconciler you can save time, achieve higher productivity and handle voluminous data efficiently.


Non-Compliance with TDS Laws

Comply with 194Q | Verify PAN TAN

Master the application of Section 194Q of the IT Act
As the Government widened the scope of TDS by adding Section 194Q, buyers across the country faced challenges in applying the provisions of the Section. Our solution simplifies the application of provisions to ensure total compliance.

Our solution can also assist in the alignment of PAN- TAN mapping for the deductor to ensure error-free reconciliation

Difficulty in establishing correctness

Compute correct Advance Tax | Face Assessments with confidence

With the maintenance of proper records of TDS and reconciling the same with 26AS, accuracy is established and errors rectified.

TDS Reconciliation will ensure claiming accurate TDS credit which in turn will ensure the accuracy of Advance tax computation.

Revenue Reconciliation makes facing assessments unchallenging. With revenue correctness established as a consequence of the TDS reconciliation, facing assessment is effortless.


Multiple-Year Reconciliations Challenge

Perform multi-year reconciliation

Multiple-year reconciliation seems an impossible task if done manually. However, our solution makes it possible. This ensures the rectification of previous years’ errors so as to start on a clean slate and avoid carrying forward mismatches.

20+ years of Tax technology experience
Expert handling of End to End reconciliation of Revenue,
TDS and TCS with 26AS
Multiple year reconciliation
26AS for 3 years can be uploaded to locate the
cut off transactions
Bulk download of Name as per Traces and PAN Verification utility
Validity of PAN and PAN TAN mapping as per 26AS
Government organization reconciliation
Mapping of Government organization TAN to enable
reconciliation without PAN
Handle Voluminous data easily
Voluminous data can be processed easily
Achieve Higher Productivity
Reduce reconciliation time by 80%
Compute accurate Advance Tax for the current year
Optimum cash flows
Avail previous year tax credit as per the amendment in Finance bill 2023
Optimum cash flows
Identify 194Q transactions correctly
Accurate credit given to customers as per 26AS
Face Tax Assessment with all-ready revenue
Reduce assessment time by producing the
revenue reco
Fetch customers name using the TAN number
available in your 26AS
Useful for identifying the Government customer in
case of non-availability of PAN
Reference number in the ledger from 26AS
Establishes the validity of the reconciliation
Classify the source of rectification- Customer or Own
Accounts department needs to pass the entries in the book
Timely action
Quarter - wise wise reconciliation possible
Convenience offered
Trouble-free reconciliation of the most challenging 26AS owing to digitalization offered by our solution 26AS Reconciler.
Digitalized Solution, not just a Tool!
A tool assists in doing a particular kind of task only. But with 26AS Reconciler, we offer not a tool but a comprehensive solution. This solution will take the burden off the laborious task of reconciling 26AS issued by the Government with the TDS ledgers.
With 26AS Reconciler, you can be sure of the following benefits:
  • Error-free processing
  • Reduced man hours
  • Better Tax Planning resulting in saving of taxes
  • Trace the root cause of the mismatch and make process-level changes.
Intelligent Solution, Not Just
Think you have unique challenges that a straightforward solution like ours cannot handle, fret not! Ours is an intelligent solution that combats challenges and builds logic that can solve challenges that are peculiar to you!
You can do it yourself
Our solution is simple to operate and can be executed in three steps:
Upload the Customer Master and Ledger
Download 26AS from TRACES and upload it
Execute the reconciliation
Hence it is a doable solution that does not require a great amount of expertise!
Managed Services
Our in-built solution is easy to operate and can be smoothly executed, however, we understand that due to certain constraints, this could prove to be challenging. Hence we offer managed services for 26AS reconciliation wherein we will take care of the entire process meticulously for you.
Experts Speak

Paving the way for Digitalization

Digitalization is now a part of all activities that are manual and time-consuming. Taxation is one such area that is also seeing the rise of digitalization in activities. This is a global revolution and many countries have benefitted from this digitalization. In India, digitalization is not an option rather a necessity. In our country, only 1% of the population pays taxes. For the country to grow at least 10% of the population must fall under the tax bracket. Data Science, Robotic Process Automation, and the application of artificial intelligence have made the digitalization of tax management a reality.

With digitalization will come speed and accuracy. There will also be transparency, which will, in turn, reduce litigations and release billions of rupees that are stuck in litigations. The next stage of tax management can be direct reporting from the enterprise to the tax department. Thus, digitalization will bring about much-needed transparency and accuracy in tax management.

How Does FASTFACTS 26AS Reconciler work?

Our technology-enabled digitalized reconciler matches the entries in the 26AS with the entries in the TDS Ledger. This reconciliation ensures claiming the correct amount of TDS.

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Digitalized Reconciliation

Manual intervention is reduced to ensure error-free reconciliation. This also improves productivity as mundane tasks are taken care of.

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Voluminous Data Handling

As transactions increase, maintaining the reconciliation manually is an arduous task. Our solution can easily handle voluminous transactions due to digitalization.

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Expert Service backed by Adaptive Solution

Our solution is adaptive and is fully capable of providing solutions to new challenges. Challenges help in making our solution robust and hence we welcome them. Our solution is comprehensive as it is backed by professionals having experience working with clients in varied domains.


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What our Users Say

We have been using this software for the last few months and pleasure to inform you that it is working fine and your support team is of great help for any query and clarifications. Overall, the performance of the software is really good, including your support team.

Fujitec India Private Limited

What our Users Say

It must be put on record that FASTFACTS software has really helped us to manage/structure the tracking and accounting of TDS which is very crucial for our company.